Is Customer Service Dead?

It seems with the onset of technology taking over tasks, automated bots, call systems, dead-end emails and more, one could make the argument that customer service is dead. If you’re a major tech...

Tips to Create a Killer Landing Page

PPC campaigns are all about driving traffic to a website. The more people visit a website, the more successful the campaign. However, it isn't easy to drive traffic directly to a website. Hence, landi...

How to be a Genius by Repurposing Content

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; then saying the same thing over and over again in a different way must be genius. Learn how t...

How to Manage Your Negative Google Reviews?

As a business owner, you understand the value of positive online customer feedback. Client reviews play a critical role in establishing a trustworthy reputation for your company. A person can get a ge...

The Ultimate Marketing Secret Revealed!

You’re probably reading this email because the subject line had you wanting to learn more. And that’s exactly the secret; keep them wanting more. The simple answer of capturing their atten...

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