Social Media Advertising Dos and Don'ts - Series Final
Last week, we explained the secret to crafting your first social media campaign in our social media advertising series. If you haven’t read it yet, you can read it here.
Today, we have another super-informative blog on dos and don’ts of social media advertising, which brings us to the last part of our series.
We know that our social media advertising series has caught your interest, and you are inspired to try your hand in social media advertising. But, learning the basic dos and don’ts will help you get the most out of your SMM campaigns. So, let’s start.
Dos and Don’ts to Consider
Here is a fundamental guideline that you should follow to maximize your potential of paid advertising on social media:
Confuse People
As an expert in social media advertising, we would recommend you not to use too many abbreviations, jargon, and emoticons. Believe us, they aren’t needed, and you end up confusing your target audience. You might be an expert, but your audience is not. Instead, think from their perspective and follow KISS (Keep it simple, short).
Be Verbose
Advertising is all about resonating with the common people. A profusion of words and obscure sentences are hard to remember and understand. Nobody is roaming with the dictionary in hand, and no one has time to find out the meaning of the refined words you are using in your content. Instead, convey your message with utmost simplicity and clarity with punchy content.
Stick to Your Personal Tone Too Much
Social media is a place where everyone likes to share thoughts, ideas, and interests. Sometimes it’s fine to be perceived as a guru, philosopher, critic, or a politician, but make sure you maintain a professional tone.
It is important to stay professional with a little personal touch when creating social media adverts because audiences from many cultures and areas interact with you. Share your side of the story professionally.
Ruin Your Campaign with Low-Quality Visuals
Never use low-quality visuals because it comes with some costs that you have to pay in terms of your reputation, negative user experience, diminishing product value, and low ranking potential. We are sure that you don’t want to play with any of these because you are also here to survive and grow. So, make sure you use high-quality images for your social media advertisements.
Pick Your Platform and Demographics Wisely
When you are investing in social media, you would surely don’t want to waste your efforts, time, and money on a platform that is not giving you the desired results. So, do track which platform works well for your campaigns, where is most of your target audience, and from where you get maximum traffic and engagement. It becomes important when you have a limited advertising budget.
Choosing a demographic is a way of understanding your audience. If you don’t know what your audiences’ wants & needs and then present that offer through your ads, they are not going to stop scrolling to view your ad, nor respond to your offer messages, and more than likely turn to vendors other than you. You’ll have a hard time crafting an ad that will engage your audience if you don’t study your audience first. Make sure you know your audience for the best results.
Show you’re an expert
An expert is more knowledgeable than an average person, and when you create content based on your expertise, it separates you from others and builds your reputation. People are more likely to trust you for your thought leadership and credible content. So, you should always include something that shows you are an expert, like an expert article, EBook, or White Paper. You will get the desired response from your prospects.
Check Your Grammar and Spellings
Incorrect spellings or grammatical mistakes may create confusion in people and leave them guessing what you are trying to say. Also, it makes you look less credible, and people have a hard time accepting you. Avoid such miscommunication and misunderstandings with a well-placed advert without any flaw.
Set a budget.
Advertising and marketing are fundamental for growth and profitability but on a budget. Businesses fail because they don’t allocate a budget for advertising. We see this predominantly during a busy economy. Once the economy changes, they are scrambling to get clients and then don’t have the budget for marketing. Whereas there is also a counter to this; businesses often throw money at marketing without following the above guidelines, which can be a complete waste of money.
Final Word
Having a good social media presence is what today’s consumers expect, but it is not enough. You should know the fundamentals of using it the right way. Make sure you stay on top with the ethical practices if you want to attract your customers. Following the dos and don’ts of social media advertising, you can boost your brand awareness, drive traffic, grow your customer base, and yield strong ROI.
Now that you are acquainted with the best practices, you are all set to take the best advantage of a well-planned and well-executed social media advertising strategy. If you need more help, contact the expert team of Iron Marketers.
Get a free consultation from our experts and know more about your ongoing social media campaigns. We offer a range of professional services catering to unique needs. You can begin by picking the one that suits your needs and budget. Get in touch - we’ll be happy to help!